Montréal, Québec

House9 is a collaborative graphic design studio. Working with local and international artists, researchers, non-profit organizations and cultural institutions, we develop dynamic projects in all areas of print and interactive design.


Communication and Content Strategy
Creative Direction, Art Direction and Graphic Design
Print, Book and Information Design
Digital Product Design and Development, Information Architecture, User Experience Design (UX), and User Interface Design (UI)
Illustration, Animation and Motion Graphics


Farah Khan, Principal and Creative Director
Louis Dollé, Art Director and Senior Designer
Miranda Bambace, Senior Designer
Jordon Davis, Graphic Designer
Mark Ambrose Harris, Project Coordinator
Maxime Lefrançois, Senior Developer

Justin Karas, Animator and Illustrator
Alex Nawotka, Developer & UX Researcher
Christian Scott, UX Researcher
Teo Zamudio, Developer


Art, Culture and Architecture:
221A (Vancouver)
2-22 Art Actuel (Montréal)
ARTEXTE (Montréal)
Canada Council for the Arts (Ottawa)
Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montréal)
Céline Huyghebaert, Artist (Montréal)
Centre des arts visuels / The Visual Arts Centre (Montréal)
Debaser (Ottawa)
ESPACE art actuel (Montréal, in process)
Eve Tagny, Artist (Montréal)
figure ground, art publishers (Montréal)
Fondation PHI (Montréal)
Fonderie Darling (Montréal)
Galerie de l’UQAM (Montréal)
Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) (Montréal)
Joshua Schwebel, Artist (Montréal, Berlin)
Magazine Spirale (Montréal)
Michelle Lacombe, Performance Artist (Montréal)
MOMENTA Biennale de l’image (Montréal)
Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art (Montréal)
People Design Co-op (Toronto)
Plein sud, centre d’exposition en art actuel à Longueuil (Longueuil)
RACAR (Ottawa)
Regards Noirs film festival (Montréal)
Robichaux Park (Vancouver)
Sheena Hoszko, Artist and Organizer (Montréal)
Social Convention (London)
Studio of Contemporary Architecture (Toronto)
Visual Arts Centre (Westmount)
VIVA! Art Action (Montréal)
Yaniya Lee, Writer (Montréal, Berlin)

Non-profit (Public Health, Environment and Education):
Bishop’s University (Quebec)
Canadian Association of Midwives (Canada-wide)
Climate Policy Initiative (US, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Italy)
Concordia University—Dark Opacities Research Lab (Montréal)
Espace de la diversité (Montréal)
Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (HQ Switzerland)
Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD)
Montréal Métropole en santé (Montréal)
National Wildlife Federation (US, Brazil)
Ocean Wise (Vancouver)
Rebus Foundation (Montréal)
Science Philanthropy Alliance (US)
Sonja Cherry-Paul (New York)
Smith College (MA)
Springboard Collaborative (US)
TeenSHARP (Wilmington, DE)
Union of Concerned Scientists (Cambridge, MA)
World Health Organization (HQ Switzerland)
WWF-Canada (Canada-wide)

Food and Hospitality:
Aliments Viens (Montréal)
La marelle (Montréal)
Lin Hospitality (Montréal)
Maison Publique (Montréal)
McKiernan (Montréal)
Republic Restoratives (Washington, DC)
Salle Climatisée (Montréal)
TASTET (Montréal)